9 February 2017| |
Date(s) - 9 February 2017
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CILTNA Pacific Chapter Seminar presented at the February 9th, 2017 Cargo Logistics Canada Conference at the Vancouver Convention Centre
Is Privatization of Our National Ports and Airports in Canadians’ Best Interests?
The Canada Transportation Act Review was published in February 2016. For seaports, it recommended that the government investigate adopting a share-capital structure including receiving proposals from institutional investors or private equity investors. For airports, the review recommended privatization of large airports within three years. Since then, the government has moved to establish a Canada Infrastructure Bank. This CILTNA Seminar examined the issues through a discussion, question and answer period following prepared remarks delivered by two distinguished speakers. You will find the formal record of the event with a summary of what was said in the published Proceedings through the link below.
Click here to download the Proceedings of the seminar titled “Is Privatization of Our National Ports and Seaports in Canadians’ Best Interests?” held February 9, 2017
Last modified: 14 March 2018
The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport in North America
Institut agréé de la logistique et des transports – Amerique du Nord
PO Box 45539 Chapman Mills
Ottawa, Ontario, K2J 5N1
(613) 209-9992