15 February 2023| |
Date(s) - 15 February 2023
12:00 pm EST - 1:00 pm EST
On Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 at 12:00 PM ET/ 11:00 AM CT / 9:00 AM PT/ 5:00 PM GMT CILTNA hosted the webinar: “Intelligent Transportation Solutions to Retain and Increase Ridership – The TriMet approach” with guest speakers A.J. O’Connor, Director for Intelligent Transportation Systems at TriMet and Adrian Pearmine, National Director for Smart Cities and Connected Vehicles for DKS Associates.
Transit agencies across North America are facing headwinds to retain and expand their ridership. In the post pandemic world cities have experienced shifts in mobility patterns and needs. Transit needs to meet the mobility needs of communities and be a valuable service that is used out of choice rather than necessity.
Part of a two-part series, this first webinar will look at how TriMet, provider of the bus, light rail and commuter rail service in the Portland, Oregon region, is applying innovative techniques, technology and data driven solutions to meet this challenge. TriMet has long been a leader in innovation in transit, including developing the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) with Google which has become a transit industry standard for data sharing.
The video recording is available to view: [Here].
The presentation slides are available to view: [Here].
Last modified: 20 March 2023
The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport in North America
Institut agréé de la logistique et des transports – Amerique du Nord
PO Box 45539 Chapman Mills
Ottawa, Ontario, K2J 5N1
(613) 209-9992