15 October 2020| |
Date(s) - 15 October 2020
12:00 pm EDT - 1:00 pm EDT
Ports of the Future -The Digital Transformation at Port of Antwerp Date: Thursday, October 15, 2020 Time: 9:00 PT | 10 MT |12:00 ET | 18:00 CEST
Diving together to experience the digitized future of one of the world’s leading ports, as it sails towards an open innovation platform that leverages disruptive technologies. The Port’s mission is to be ‘a catalyst towards a sustainable future,’ a clear indication of the fundamental change ports are facing. The speaker, Mr. Verstraelen, is a strategic thinker and an IT transformation catalyst. His current team drives the injection of new and existing IT capabilities to enable the realization of the Port’s strategic goals.
Speaker: Erwin Verstraelen, Chief Digital Information & Innovation Officer, Port of Antwerp
In November 2017, Erwin Verstraelen became Chief digital and innovation officer of the Port of Antwerp, a new position in the executive committee. It was a clear indication of the strategic focus the port wants to give to digitalization. Based on previous roles in other companies, he has a strong background in strategic IT thinking and in depth transformation of an organization driven by Information technology. His current team at the port of Antwerp drives the injection of new and existing IT capabilities to enable the realization of the five strategic goals. Erwin was elected CIO of the year in 2018 and European Digital Leader in 2020.
Learn more about Port of Antwerp: Website | LinkedIn | News
Learn more about Erwin Verstraelen: LinkedIn
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Last modified: 15 October 2020
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